INTERNATIONAL DANCE COUNCIL CIDUSA 10th Annual World Congress on Dance Research November 6th ---10th, 2024 Broward County FL. USA Organizers HALLANDALE SECTION OF CIDF UNESCO Inc Management Committee:
Mr. Michel Francois Jacques – President Mr. Victor Konervky Vice-President Mr. Stanley Jacques– Treasurer Ms. Katherine Burge Executive Secretary
Congress Committee!! Master of Ceremony: Mr. Victor Konervky Transportation : Jean Osse Jean-Louis Music Director: DJ, Bertin Felix Jacques Marketing Consultant: Michel Jacques/ Web designer: Michelle P-findel Jacques (IT)
The CID Congress is the largest international event in the field of dance study and research in the world. The first CID Congress in the USA, attended by CID Professional Members from over 20 different countries to the city of Hallandale Beach Fl. in 2015. The 10th Annual International Congress on Dance Research approaches all form of dance in the world, offering the best opportunity to showcase one’s innovative work.
It is a commonplace that dance as a universal phenomenon, expressing the feelings and ideas of all people and civilizations.
We would like to welcome all conferees, whom we have the opportunity to host this year in Florida.
We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the organizers of the congress who make the congress happened for the eigth time in South, Florida, the venues, and under the auspices of the International Dance Council CID, UNESCO in particular Mr. Alkis Raftis President of CID, Ms Adamantia Angeli Executive Director of CID, Ms. Lambrini Raikou Executive Secretary of CID, Mr. Athanasios Kalantzis Secretary of CID . The Broward County Cultural Division, NSU Theatre, Jedam Picture & VK Dance Arena. We wish all the participants good luck but most importantly to enjoy this experience! Michel F. Jacques --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is CID The International Dance Council CID CID is the official umbrella organization for all forms of dance in all countries of the world. CID is recognized by UNESCO, national and local governments, international organizations and institutions.
It brings together the most important international, national and local organizations, as well as select individuals active in Dance.
It is a non-governmental organization founded in 1973 within the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, where it is based.
Its members are the most prominent federations, associations, schools, companies and individuals in over 176 countries.
International Dance Council CID Conseil International de la Danse CID c/o UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, FR-75732 Paris, France; tel. +33 1 4568 4953 ************************************************************************************Program !
WEDNESDAY November 6th, 2024 OFFICIAL OPENING/REGISTRATION 10am-4pm Collection of identification Badge (required at entrances), Dancer's program, maps and other materials. At: 2500 E. Hallandale Bch. Blvd. # 506 Hallandale Beach, FL 33009 Book your Hotel in Hallandale Beach or Hollywood beach Fl.
Free transportation Available from/to hotel By Request
THURSDAY November 7th, 2024 10am---2pm, lectures Presentations. 7pm--11pm Performances & Social Party Mix, with DJ Bertin w/open bar and snack served
FRIDAY November 8th, 2024 10am---4pm, lectures Presentations. 7:00pm-10pm GALA, Fundraising Event Dinner, Performances & Social Party Mix, with DJ Bertin
SATURDAY November 9th, 2024 6pm-9pm City of Miramar Civic Center Performance Theatre Lecture/Presentation plus Live streaming Performances
SUNDAY: November 10th, 2024 TBA...(To be announced) ************************************************************************************ 2018 Congress Report!!!
4th International Congress on Dance Research Studiesreport This year`s International Dance Research Congress was held in Hallandale Beach From 14th to 18th of November 2018.
The new Board of Management Committee
Mr. Michel Francois Jacques – President Dr. Sheryl White - Vice-President Mr. Stanley R. Jacques – Treasurer
Congress Committee:
Board Advisor: Anita King Sound Eng: Randy Pittman Music Director: DJ. Bertin F. Jacques Dance Director: Patrick Lacroix Board Consultation: Dr. Florence Foucault Web designer IT: Michelle P.findel Jacques
They deserve praise for all their hard work!
All participants at this year’s Congress agreed that it was a huge success. It brought new ideas to light that will be a useful guide for the continuing work of CID. Those ideas will also be helpful to the other dance organizations throughout the world. CID is a challenging endeavour. No matter what occur during the four days of this congress it was resolved by excellent team work. Just like every dance research congress, this year`s congress consisted of three forms of presentation:
Many registered participants unfortunately could not attend because they did not obtain entry visa. We can still conclude that it was a very successful Congress. It was a platform where participants managed to answer some very important questions about the current state of the dance world. It helps to point out possible problems that may occur within the dance communities.
I want to simply summarize the main conclusions of some of the workshops. I will also emphasize the importance of the informal conversations had during the participant free time while socializing after the formal workshops and presentations. These conclusions can be divided into three basic directions namely:
1) The need to bring couple dancing to the youth at elementary level within the school system. Moving dance to a higher level of education to promote cultural diversity.
2) The need to emphasize the importance of dance exercise therapy and other forms of treatment with the use of choreography.
3) The need for better organisation within the dance community to promote and protect the interests of dance professional world-wide.
My conclusion is that, this Congress proved the constant progress of the work of CID in all of its forms. During the congress we pointed out some obstacles. Even though there are problems in the dance world, we also concluded there are many ways of solving them. We need to bring all CID Sections to work together under one platform.
Many thanks, once again, to all the participants. We can freely say that the main goals of the 4th International Congress have been achieved and the congress was a success.
Every year we look forward to this amazing event in Broward County, with some amazing international artists, Colleagues and local dance teachers. Ever since the first Congress in 2015, we have registered a lot of new members to CID-Unesco.
Looking forward to the Next “CID World Congress on Dance Research in Broward County FL. Michel F Jacques ************************************************************************************ Organization of Broward County Government
Broward County Commission Offices 954-357-7000 115 S. Andrews Ave., Room 421 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
The Broward County Charter provides for a separation between the legislative and administrative functions of government. The Board of County Commissioners is the legislative branch of Broward County Government. Broward County is an equal opportunity employer and provider of services. The County Commission is comprised of nine members elected by district in partisan elections. Each Commissioner must be a resident of the district for which he or she seeks election. On the third Tuesday of each November, the Commission elects a Mayor and Vice Mayor for one-year terms. The Mayor's functions include serving as presiding officer, and as the County's official representative. The Commission appoints the County Administrator, County Attorney and County Auditor. The Commission also appoints numerous advisory and regulatory boards. As stated in the Broward County Charter, the County Auditor is responsible for conducting financial, compliance, and performance audits and providing County Commissioners with oral or written reports on the procedures, internal controls, and business and procurement practices of government. As advisor on County business matters, the County Auditor reviews all transactions submitted to County Commissioners for approval. About
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The International Dance Council CID UNESCO
CID is the official umbrella organization for all forms of dance in all countries of the world. CID is recognized by UNESCO, national and local governments, international organizations and institutions. It brings together the most important international, national and local organizations, as well as select individuals active in dance. It is a non-governmental organization founded in 1973 within the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, where it is based. Its members are the most prominent federations, associations, schools, companies and individuals in 176 countries.
HALLANDALE SECTION OF CID UNESCO INC. 2500 Hallandale Beach Blvd #506. Hallandale Beach, FL, 33009, USA +1 (954)-708-5099 [email protected]
Michel F. Jacques President of the CID SECTION HALLANDALE
It will be our pleasure to have you for the 10th, Annual Congress! Register now: CID USA Promotes dance as part of Education Starting From Middle School Giving Young adult lieu to become certified dance instructor.