MISSION STATEMENT Our Mission is to help create quality Dancers and Dance Entrepreneurs in the United States. Hallandale Section CID-UNESCO Inc. is the umbrella organization for all form of Dance in the United States and the world. In this socio-economically challenge youth in south Florida we aim to give them lieu to become professionally certified by Test to teach. As a certified instructor, they will have the opportunity to combine their natural abilities, talents & make a good living out of something they love doing.
Our programs include the establishment of CID sections throughout the country, working in conjunction with the municipality of the city, Ministry of Cultural Affairs & Tourism. Financial and training support of our country’s top artist dancers, organization and regulation of dance sports activities at the regional and national levels, encouragement of the Olympics Dance sport and a K-12 after school, dance and cultural programs, support of seniors as recreational dancers, athletes fostering of a healthy, productive cultural exchange through the general media, the CID USA website as well as social media sites and the CID-worldwide portal.
Hallandale Section of CID Unesco Inc. serves the Dance industry as a leader and also, as a 501-C-3 non-profit organization approved by the Internal Revenue Service and is authorized to solicit and receive donations from the public to support its promotional and educational programs. Essentially, CID-Unesco has the overall mission to prevent crimes & violence by eliminating poverty and elevate the quality of the entertainment industry for the next generation in the US.
Educational and Charitable Purpose: The Ballroom dancing is a study or Project in the school in many countries. This is the best activity to help in concentration. Educate the general Public on how dancing, as a sport or activity, can greatly enhance the physical and mental well-being and health of these practitioners, regardless of age, ability and interest level; from pre-school to seniors. In furthering of the educational and charitable mission, the Hallandale Section of CID UNESCO Inc. Promotes all form of dance as a recognized sport and a recreational activity, providing an opportunity to all Americans.
Objectives Include: Eliminates violence and Crimes by teaching couple dancing. Giving our youth the chance to learn mutual trust, respect between boys and girls and people of all ethnicities. Today, the Ballroom dance is the sport, culture, education, and health and entertainment program all over the world. Dance sport at every level and every age going to the Olympics sport. Health and Entertainment:
Health: The most important in the last twenty years for Physical & Mental Health for all ages. Just an Example 17 years of research from the Boston University for senior, Ballroom Dance is the best Prevention for dementia that keeps the memory 76%. It is Physical and Mental health for the prevention and natural medicine.
Entertainment: Socialize, Reducing stress & anger, creating friendship within People. Promoting and fostering a willingness and spirit of universal cooperation among co-existing dance sports organizations, both for- profit, businesses, teaching and competing professional amateurs and other interest groups to sustain a high level of interest in Ballroom, Latin, and Caribbean Dancing. Providing a means of information exchange between the various dances related organizations and promote a healthy and productive interaction between dancers of all organization.
The Goal of the CID USA Section is to serve the national mission on a grassroots level, as an umbrella organization and a motivation for Ballroom Dance activities in the community, colleges, and schools. A significant portion of CID resources are devoted to promoting, organizing and supporting couple dancing programs for youth and collegiate dancers. Promote, guide and support social and competitive dance programs at the collegiate and K-12 levels throughout the nation and fostering and helping sustain purposeful CID Sections throughout the United States in all 50 states.
We are looking for grants funding, investors and government support for this project.